суббота, 10 января 2015 г.

Snap Peas Healthy Food Guide

You've probably never heard of Calvin Lamborn. But he's the guy who made sugar snap peas so sweet and succulent that you want to eat them raw. Though edible-podded peas have been enjoyed for hundreds of years, Lamborn accidentally developed snap peas in the late 1960s while breeding shell peas. Though sugar snap peas are a cultivar of snap peas, you'll most likely see them called "sugar snap peas" at the grocery store.

Tasty raw, snap peas add color and crunch to salads. Or try roasting them to caramelize their sugars. Sugar snap peas also stand up well to a light saute, making them a favorite addition to stir-fries. Enjoy a delightful herald of early summer tonight with one of these snappy dishes.

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